Press Highlights:

Raquel Victoria Rodríguez López
Palma de Mallorca, 1998

2024 - Present Coordination Support for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program. ADEMA University School. Palma de Mallorca. 
2024 Coordinator & Art Manager at Collaborations DK. Andrea Marie Breiling and Ayako Rokkaku exhibitions. Copenhagen and Palma de Mallorca.
2023-2024 Coordinator & Art Manager at CCA Andratx. Palma de Mallorca. 
2022 - 2023 Communication and Press Department of L21 Gallery. Palma de Mallorca.
2021 Internship in the area of culture and heritage of the Diputación de Granada and in the Centro José Guerrero Museum.


2025 Exhibition curator. “The Green Fog” solo exhibition by José Fiol.  Es Baluard Museu d’art Contemporani de Palma.  

2024 Exhibition curator  “Concrete curtains” by Xenia Lesniewski. La Misericòrdia. Consell de Mallorca. 
2024 Exhibition curator “The Softness” at Kunsthalle - CCA Andratx. 
2024  Exhibition curator  “The bliss of ignorance” by Stefan Rinck & Philip Grözinger at CCA Andratx.
2023 Exhibition curator "Dystopian archaeologies. Exploring the vestiges of a future past'' by Stefan Rinck & Trine Søndergard. La Misericòrdia. Consell de Mallorca.
2021 Co-founding of the cultural management association: La Constructora.
2021 Creation and coordination of the Festival Al Liquindoi: Sonido Relativo. Sound art and environment. Casa de Porras. UGR.
2021 Exhibition curator ''Identidad en la sala''. Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Diputación de Granada.
2021 Exhibition curator ''En la Boca del Lobo'' Javi Chocho-Nabo. Espacio Lavadero.  
2020 Exhibition curator ''Copy Paste: Marta Ruiz Anguera y Jaime González Palencia''. Museo Krekovic. Consell de Mallorca.
2020 Part of the curator of the virtual art festival ''Noise is (not) data''. Co2: Comisariado contracultural. La Madraza. UGR.
2020 Creation and curation of the ''Mikeli festi'', a festival of artistic and musical self-production during the COVI-19 quarantine at the University of Granada. 
2020 Help in organizing the workshop ''Ilustración creativa VI: Trabajando sobre la identidad'' imparted by Maguma. Master in art production and research. University of Granada. 
2020 Ideation and design of the ''Edi-Tables festival'', a festival of artistic and musical self-production at the University of Granada. 
2020 Exhibition curator ‘’ A La Calle 20 ’Sala de Exposiciones Gran Capitán  (Granada).
2019 Exhibition curator ‘’ Sustancia, Elemento Cosa ’of Art and Body students. Al Liquindoi Program - Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano (Granada). 
2019 Ideation and management of the Al Liquindoi exhibition program of the Alonso Cano Faculty of Fine Arts (UGR). 
2019 Exhibition curator  '' Kiero ser Famosa '' by Marta Silgado. Circuits Festival 2019. insula Sur (Granada). 
2019 Collaborator in the management of the Festival of Contemporary Art Circuitos 19. Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano.


2024 Research Residency at Ses 12 Naus. Ses 12 Naus with Institut d’Estudis Balearics (IEB). Ibiza. 
2020 - Present Member of ACCAIB (Associació de Crítics i Comissaris d'Art de les Illes Balears).
2020 Grant: ''Ayudas a la Producción, Comisariado y Mediación Artística Alumni UGR'', del Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Granada. Proyecto Al Liquindoi. 
2019 -2020 Investigation group: ''La espiral sonora'' from the University of Granada to musical research and its relationship with other non-musical fields. 
2019 - 2020 Investigation group: ''Co2: Equipo de comisariado contracultural'' from the University of Granada to the investigation in the curatorial. 
2019 - 2020 Ícaro grant in the deanship of the faculty of fine arts Alonso Cano University of Granada for the management of cultural activities of the faculty and community manager of social media. 
2020 High honors in the subject Art, public space and nature. Faculty of Fine Art Alonso Cano. UGR.
2020 High honors in the subject Experimental drawing and creation. Faculty of Fine Art Alonso Cano. UGR.
2020 High honors in the subject Art and Body. Faculty of Fine Art Alonso Cano. UGR.
2019 High honors in the Legislation and Art Market subject. Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano. UGR. 

2023- Present Doctor of Philosphy - Phd Candidate, History and Arts Program - Artistic creation, audiovisual and critical reflection. University of Ganada.
2020 - 2021  Master of Arts - MA, Production and Research in Contemporary Art. Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano. University of Granada.
2020 Bachelor of Art - BA, Fine Arts. Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano. University of Granada.

2021 Workshop: Iniciación al Sonido con Elenaisser. Check Check Check. Granada.
2021 Workshop: Iniciación a la producción de eventos con Dani Herrera. Check Check Check. Granada.
2020 MoMA Course: Modern Art and Ideas. Coursera. 
2020 MOOC ''Undertake: turn your idea into a business model''. Abierta UGR. University of Granada. 
2020 Workshop ''Hydraulic Tiles''. CEMED. University of Granada.
2020 Workshop: Choreographed action of Rosana Antolí in the context of the exhibition: ''Pavimento Infinito. Mapa. Sala. Arpa. Alba. Rosana Antolí, Isabel de Naverán and Julia Spínola. Centro Federico García Lorca. 
2019 Art Curator Course. Escuela Plano B. 
2019 Workshop: El artista y sus derechos: acercamiento a la propiedad intelectual con Luis Anguita Villanueva y Alejandro Puerto Mendoza.The artist and his rights: approach to intellectual property Programa A. (Comunidad de Madrid). 
2019 Workshop ‘’Dime cómo dibujas y diré quién eres. Acercamiento al dibujo contemporáneo’’Tell me how you draw and I will say who you are.  Approach to contemporary drawing. Facultad de Bellas Artes Alonso Cano. 
2018 Screen Printing Seminar.  Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano.
2018 Seminar of Supports and Materials.  Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano.
2018 Seminary of hybridization of technical processes of screen printing.  Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano.
2018 Participation in the workshops held at the Tuenti Urban Academy festival at the Alonso Cano Faculty of Fine Arts.


2023 Catálogo Compilatorio. El Postalero 22/23. ISBN 978-84-09-49089-9
2022 José Guerrero. La Colección del Centro. Diputación de Granada. ISBN 978-84-7807-674-1
2021 Traducir un Bosque. Santiago Morilla. Diputación de Granada. ISBN 978-84-7807-685-7
2021 Identidad en la sala. Diputación de Granada. ISBN 978-84-7807-688-82020  
2020 Semiminario FACBA: El saber oscuro. Ritos, Senderos y Tránsitos del conocimiento Artístico. ISBN 978-84-338-6372-0

2025 Conference: Raquel Victoria. Research and Curatorship beyond the White Cube. Faculty of Fine Arts. Universidad de Granada. Granada.  21.02.2025
2024 Workshop: Reimagining the instantaneous city. New architectures for contemporary art.  Ses 12 Naus. Ibiza.  07.12.24-8.12.2024
2021 Conference: The figure of the educator in the curatorship and cultural management. Faculty of Education. University of Granada. 18.12.21
2021 Workshop: Taller con María Valdés de Arte sonoro: I WAS IN A CONTEMPLATIVE MOOD: Componiendo ciclos sonoros. . Festival Aliquindoi. University of Granada. 05-20 Dec. 2021. 


2019 ''Ni Tan Pronto '' Contemporary art festival Circuitos 19. UGR Casa de Porras (Granada). 


2024 Live performance with Elena Sohmen, Keny Chan & Amel Baccouche in Hilbertraum Gallery for 48H Neukölln and B-LA-M. Berlin.
''Error del sistema'' Museo Damián Bayón. Granada. 
2020 ''Plantas de Interior'' Ana Barriga, FACBA 20. Hospital Real de la Universidad de Granada. Granada.
2020 ''We Are''. MATRIZ Woman Artist. Online Exhibition selected artist. 
2020 II Biennial of Contemporary Drawing «Las huellas del Dibujo». Sala Manuel Barbadillo (Málaga).
2020 ‘’ A La Calle 20’’. Sala de Exposiciones Gran Capitán (Granada).
2019 ‘’ Sustancia, elemento, cosa ’’. Al Liquindoi Program - Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano. UGR. (Granada).
2019 '' Cosmic Exhibition ''. Ovni Bazar (Granada). 
2019 ''Jugam?'' en La Nit de l'art de Sant Jordi (Palma de Mallorca).
2019 ‘’Tinta y Mujer’’ Centro de la juventud de Armilla (Granada).
2019 ‘’Tinta y Mujer’’ en el Centro Cervantes Genil  (Granada).
2018 Exhibition and collective proyect PIPIRIPARTY. Faculty of Fine Arts Alonso Cano. UGR. (Granada).
2018 ''Camins'' en La Nit de l'art de S'Arracó (Palma de Mallorca).
2013 - 2014 Fundación Sofia (Palma de Mallorca).